Explore With Me JI (Set)

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Explore with Me is a new, vibrant and engaging SESE programme, written by three highly experienced subject experts and practising Primary school teachers. This easy-to-follow programme, with integrated digital resources encourages pupils to explore, investigate and understand their local environment and the world. Explore with Me available from Junior Infants to Second Class is completely in line with the SESE Primary Curriculum and NCCA guidelines. Explore with Me covers all strands of the SESE programme from Junior Infants to Second Class History, Geography and Science are given equal attention in the programme, ensuring a balanced approach to the teaching of SESE The programme is organised into ten themes at each class level; one theme is covered per month A spiral approach is used whereby themes are revisited to allow for extensive engagement with each topic Key SESE skills are targeted; the development of geographical, historical and scientific skills is a key feature of the programme Opportunities are provided for integration between the SESE subjects and other curricular areas Designing, making, investigating and experimenting are key features of science lessons; the programme ensures that hands-on, practical activities are undertaken regularly

SKU 9781845368449
Publisher Edco Educational Company of Ireland
Condition New